Campus Kids exists to help kids and families live the adventure-filled good life in Jesus together every day. We provide large and small group community opportunities for both little and big kids.



LITTLE KIDS (Babies - Pre-K) We believe preschool ministry is more than babysitting. It's laying a critical foundation for faith in the life of a child. The way ministry leaders embrace a preschooler's physical needs will help kids from zero to five years of age know God's love and meet God's family. We want every preschooler to grow up believing... God made me. God loves me. Jesus wants to be my friend forever.


BIG KIDS (Kindergarten - 5th Grade) Kids trust adults because they are adults and because they need adults to orchestrate and protect their world. We have an opportunity to help kids know what it means to put their trust in Jesus. The way we engage the interests of kids will help kids from K-5th grade trust God's character and experience God's family. We want every kid to grow up believing... I can trust God no matter what. I need to make the wise choice. I should treat others the way I want to be treated.



The safety of our kids is a high priority. From the moment they enter our lobby until they are picked up by their person, we take precautions to maintain safety and ensure lots of fun at the same time. To learn more about what we do to keep Campus Kids a safe envirornment on a Sunday morning, we encourage you to click the button below.

Whether your kids attend online or in person, they'll experience an age appropriate lesson that will teach them about God and His love for them. The teaching is interactive and utilizes multiple approaches for different learning styles. The goal at Campus Kids is to raise up adventurers who understand who Jesus is and how that changes their lives. And, they'll have a ton of fun! To access our online resources, click the button below.

What we TEACH

Partnering with PARENTS

We think parents are a pretty big deal. We know your relationship with your kid has a significant influence on their faith development. That’s why we’re committed to partnering with you, providing resources, training and community with other parents with kids in the same phase. We come alongside you to celebrate milestones, and create memorable events that help you connect with your kid. 


We choose hot parenting topics and display the best resources we can find. The Resource Wall is in our lobby & on our website with freebies related to every phase. This display changes on a regular basis so keep checking back! 


FAMILY Resource Wall


One of our favorite tools that we encourage all parents to use is the Parent Cue App. This free app will keep you in the loop on what your kids are learning in Campus Kids, and give you simple yet effective prompts to help engage with your child around important truths about God.





When you say YES to the next generation, you say yes to baby snuggles, preschooler hugs, elementary schooler wonder, and student friendships. You say yes to meaningful relationships with fellow volunteers. You say yes to partnership with parents. You say yes to changing the world for Christ. Click the button below to learn more!


We’re always planning something to help you WIN as a family. The best way to stay “in the know” is to sign up for our weekly newsletter 

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