We are grateful for all God has done in the life of this church over the last 52 years! As we look to the future, we remain committed to these two vital questions in every season: God, what are you up to? And how might we join you?


The leaders at Campus are convinced that a significant portion of the answer to those two questions right now involves investment in the families at Campus and in our local community. As we continue to partner with God in training 100’s to launch 1,000’s to live the adventure-filled good life in Jesus together every day, it is clear to us that we need to continue making investments in the next generation. Investing in our families with kids from 0-18+ is something that we believe is incredibly important. This includes investing in Family Ministry here at Campus and investing in kids in our local community through Project Kids Eat (PKE), serving families at our Thanksgiving meal, and partnering with Meadowcreek Elementary School to serve children who live right in our neighborhood.


Each spring, our leaders have put before Campus an emphasis on calling us to continue to advance toward the vision God has set before us.Through Vision Sunday we have raised money that launched Missional Communities, supported those who were struggling financially due to the pandemic, created a family ministry team to invest in the next generation, fed our community at the Thanksgiving meal, fed children living in extended stay hotels, and supported staff and students at Meadow Creek Elementary school. Each year, our church . . . YOU . . . rose to the challenge and helped contribute to each of these important works.


As you read more about this year’s Vision Sunday, will you please prayerfully consider how you might invest in this important work.

The last few years, funds from Vision Sunday have built our Family Ministry team! Our Family Ministry team is focused on creating excellent programming for our kids and students as well as partnering with parents to equip them to be an important spiritual influence in all of the seasons of their child’s life. Your 2024 Vision Sunday money will help us to continue to develop a ministry that supports parents and helps influence the faith of the next generation. Here are a few of the ways Vision Sunday will fund our Family Ministry efforts:


  • • Training events to resource Parents
  • • Safety training for our volunteers
  • • Parent Resource Wall
  • • Celebrating volunteers
  • • Interns for summer '24- '25 
  • • Student scholarships for events and service projects
  • • Family Experiences for Kids & Parents

We love our neighborhood! As a church, we want to make an impact in our neighborhood because we believe that Jesus is good news to our community! We think we are strategically located on Indian Trail and the campus of GAC and we believe these two communities need each other! We love that we get to partner with God in serving both of these communities! A huge part of our vision is to love our neighbors well. Here are a few of the ways Vision Sunday will fund serving our local community: 


Thanksgiving Meal

  • • Free traditional feast for over 1,200+ people 
  • • Provides community and builds connections with our Norcross neighbors
  • • Community partnerships and resources to help meet the needs of our guests

Project Kids Eat

  • • Last year we served 5,388 breakfasts and lunches to children living in local extended stay hotels and apartment complexes and we expect to serve even more this summer
  • • Provides financial resources to purchase all of the food and necessary supplies for families in our community
  • • Implement a training initiative for other churches to begin providing meals for local hotels in their community
  • • Provides necessary items for the Christmas Caravan which serves 150+ families

Meadowcreek Elementary

  • • Lunch provided for the entire staff on a teacher work day
  • • New books provided for students on Literacy Night
  • • Give financial support and supply volunteers as needed for other events building community with our neighbors
  • • Bring treats for the staff on Digital Learning Days to show appreciation and build relationships 
  • • Serve a Campus furnished breakfast for the staff at the beginning and end of the school year
  • • Build connections with the staff by praying for them and writing them notes of encouragement throughout the year


  • • Opportunities to love and encourage teachers
  • • Opportunities for our family ministry team to support parents and students in training
  • • Build partnerships with the administration, faculty, and Service groups to increase the impact in our Norcross community by working together